:: A Personal Hell ::

my personal demons
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:: Saturday, February 16, 2002 ::

The Killer Beside You

Do what you want....
Hear what you want....
Say what you want.....
See what you want....

But steer clear of me little one
I'm the one you need to run from
I'm the killer attached to your heels
I'm like a overdose
Swallow my little black pills

When you get tucked in at night
close your ears and eyes
The sound you hear is
Only your mommy being fucked
.......By me tonight......

I will be here in your dreams
I'll tear down the little smiley face clouds
And i will get them to bite you
They have big teeth you know??
.............................Better wake up before you turn blue.................

As you finally drift off to sleep once more
Your hand drops to the side of the bed
You feel a little (Squish)
Its just mommy's head
Dead little whore......


When you finally grow up
You are a sick twisted fuck

Kickin animals
Beating kids
Mean sick motherfucker
Just always being twisted

You owe your life to me
If it wasn't for me you would be a pussy...(you piece of shit)
Mommys little boy!?!?!? You were before you ate her eyes
The nightmares really worked.After i got between her thighs

Now you terrorize kids....but why??
You put your mother in hell
You are a loser.....Forever i might add
But i took the childhood you had.....And turned you mad

Why are you the asshole nobody likes??
Oh thats right its my fault,,,,,pathetic fuck
Letting someone else change your life
Now your mother is in a grave...Cause little boy swung his knife

Now as you await the (chair)
I am in your mind.....your hair
You walk down the long hall.you cry.....You pussy
You think this torment will end??.....I trip you and you fall

Well as they strap you in..You fight your last fight
Cold steel against your head and leg
As you scream and beg.....You look to your side
I will throw the switch......in hell you can't hide.........(from me)

You leave this world in pain
Just like you put your loved ones through
As you sit your ass on the hot stones
I'M RIGHT BESIDE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

:: WishKiller 11:47 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 ::

Sick attitude
Cocky little man
Call yourself a player
Well i never gave a goddamn
Time for the pain
Killing you ass is my plan....

Get your boyz to back ya up
What ya gonna do??
.44 at ya head!!!
What they gonna do??
Scared to die??
You are not even alive!!!

Your 40's and weed
Lil slut by your side
Stand Up!!....Walk Up!!!...PUT UP!!!....SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
You gonna die!!!
With your eyes open wide

Big fuckin man
My back turned
Chain in your hand
Egomaniacal little fuck!!!!!!!

You didn't kill me
BIG mistake
Blind sided me.......So now your'e proud??
Knot on my head....Slug in my Gut

Dark ass alley
Or Bright Fuckin light
Vengeance is coming


:: WishKiller 11:31 PM [+] ::
Darkest Day

Time has passed
Again and Again
And life ended
As fast as it began
In this world acidic and black
Surviving here
Is surviving in hell

Survival of the fittest?? Or survival of the damned?
Are you like me?
Or the rest of the world??
Will you give in to the Pain??
Or will you feed off the negativity??
And deny your lord?

Invocation of the storms....Channeling of the night
Resisting is getting you nowhere
Will you survive the night??

Standing in the storm
Rain hitting your face
Giving in to the night
As you give in to this world.......you DISGRACE
Constant danger in living day to day
You cry and beg to be taken away.....

Well your time has come
And you just gave in
True, the world was harsh
And fed on sin
I will take over
Where you left off
I will beat the odds
It's time for my time to begin

:: WishKiller 11:02 PM [+] ::
-----That Which Survives-----

All this time i was alone
And time passed by
It seemed like years
I kept asking why
Family and friends,all went away
I wish this could be my final day

I ask why?? This pain i feel
The wounds i have......Time can never heal
Who am i?
What is this??
This fucking life?
All it was ...is this!!!

I set here looking at the past
Can't hold it in
Can't let it out
Can't live
Can't die
I ask you please end this pain

Undying eternal pain
Living day to day in this
No one will ever know what i hold inside
I don't want to ever have to hide

Time has finally come
For i will die,By my own hand
Not the hand of (GOD)
REALIZE i am NOT a coward

This life is mine
Now i will just say ....goodbye

:: WishKiller 10:44 PM [+] ::

United we stand
Divided we fall
Shattered unity
We stand conquered by the night
Through the wastes i crawl

It is your destroyer
The vengeful end
Its time to find inner peace
Meet thy maker motherfucker
Damnation has begun

Guess what!?!.......Time to DIE!!
Stand there screaming
As the demon rakes your thigh
Begging for forgiveness,the real you shines through
Nothing but a fuckin coward,You never had a clue

Looking for a place to hide,A god to pray to
............You hear you're reply......
Judgment has passed
Soul on fire And blood boiling
You're god was a LIE

The bowels of the void open wide
In utter agony you start to cry
Your time is over and the void gives birth
This is not hell..........Welcome to earth!!!!!!!

:: WishKiller 10:27 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 ::

Fuck the government.And their little toy soldiers
Fuck the cops,With their conformist Views
Just fuckin nazis pushing Their shit
Go away and ......................DIE!!!!!!

I am there to hurt
I am the whipping boy
I am here to see you burn
The FREAK you wish to destroy

You build us up. As you tear us down
You keep the light burning.To immolate us
I am the Still born you just throw away
I will haunt you. So long as you see the light of day

Why is it you ignore the Unclean
You kill the helpless
A frail life in a womb
Making a small garbage bag a tomb??

What do i get for being me
A life not worthy of a rat
I will burn you like the holocaust
and make you feel (me)

WHY?!?!?!?.............................Is this going on
WHY!?!?!?.....................Don't this stop
WHY!?!?! ......................This hellish abortion
WHY?!?!? ..........Am i haunted by your victims

look at me
Then you look away
I am imperfect
I am the one with the gun

Someone will see through you
Someone will see your lifeless soul
Tearing out of you like a bullet
Deforming you like a mutant
Is my final goal


WHY!?!?!.................Are the weak killed
WHY!?!?...........This is not real
WHY!?!?!.................Is that gun in your mouth...
WHY !?!?!..............Don't it fire

I am the one you will see
As you crawl........to the end
I watch you as you cry
You fall into a coma

...............YOUR TERATOMA................

:: WishKiller 12:02 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, February 10, 2002 ::

Why are you always scared??
I would love to know
What will it take to get you to go away??
The Boogie man....With eyes that glow??

Fuck cowards
Kill em off
Run em through
Hang em up
Beat them down
Till they turn blue

Bottom of the food chain?
Top of the pile?
LOOK me in the eye
I didn't know shit could be piled that high....

Dogs ........Cats
Snakes ......Spiders....get on the ladder
Go a little Higher

Guns or knives??
Mirror glass
The dark or death
The little elves that bite your ASS??

Scared shitless
You are not worth shit
Fear is pointless
Lets see what you get............................

:: WishKiller 11:38 PM [+] ::

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